
The only science-backed assessment specifically designed to measure leadership skills

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Simple, Actionable Leadership Assessment

Say goodbye to complicated assessments filled with psychological language and lengthy, detailed reports that are hard to interpret, inaccurate, and demotivating. LD12 is about business. It evaluates leadership skills that are immediately actionable and easily understood.

Scalable And Flexible

Can be administered to every leader in the organization, no matter the department
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Data Over Office Politics

LD12 is a scientific, research-based skills assessment to prevent bias and favoritism
Image of an LD12 Report

Clear And Uncomplicated

Assessment results are intuitive and easy to interpret – no expert handholding needed
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Leverage LD12

Let us introduce you to the most effective and intuitive leadership assessment tool on the market.
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Image of a woman using a laptop with data flowing in the background

Designed For Efficiency

Complete an assessment in less than 40 minutes - making it one of the shortest leadership assessments on the market
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Actionable Insights

Insights are distilled into concrete strengths and opportunities so that leaders can immediately construct an action plan for ongoing development
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