LD12 360™

A comprehensive stakeholder-driven evaluation of leadership skills
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Image of 360 scoresImage of platform scores

Get The Full Leadership

Take talent evaluation to the next level with the LD12 360™ – a powerful tool that focuses on assessing leadership effectiveness from every angle. Combine self-assessment with crucial insights from direct reports, peers, and
managers to get an individual’s complete leadership picture.

Unparalleled Insight

Get a robust, actionable snapshot of leadership effectiveness and potential
Image of skills snapshot

Unbiased Input

Solicit anonymous evaluation and feedback to uncover honest, unbiased perspectives
Image of 360 results

See How LD12 360 Can Enhance Your Leadership Development

Complete the form and a member of our team will be in touch to show you how our comprehensive 360-degree assessment can provide deeper insights into leadership effectiveness.


Get the complete picture of leadership performance


Identify gaps between self-perception and stakeholder feedback


Create targeted development plans based on multi-source feedback

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See LD12 360 in action

From executive and leadership assessment to succession planning, learn how our solution can help you identify and nurture leaders ready to make a difference.
Book 15-Min Demo
Image of a woman using a laptop with data flowing in the background

Mind The Gaps

Identify and address critical gaps between self-perception and stakeholder perception
Image of scores by leadership domain

More Relevant Performance Reviews

Enhance the effectiveness and scope of annual performance reviews
Image of strengths report